
Using Dynamic User Coordinate System

Using Dynamic User Coordinate System

In the previous section, you have learned to create various types of static user coordinate systems. They are active until you define another user coordinate system. You can also create dynamic user coordinate systems. A Dynamic User Coordinate System is a temporary UCS that appears automatically when you place your cursor over the face of a 3D solid object. Note that the Dynamic User Coordinate appears only when you use tools which create objects directly (For example, drawing tools and primitive tools). In order to create a Dynamic UCS, you need to activate the Dynamic UCS option on the status bar.

 Click the Cylinder button from the Modeling panel.

 Ensure that the Dynamic UCS button is active on the status bar.

 Move the cursor over the side face of the model; it will get highlighted, as shown.

 Click on the side face of the box and create the cylinder as shown.

Model Space Viewports For 3D Modeling

While creating 3D models, it is useful to have a look at your model from several

different orientations at the same time. For this purpose, you need to create different viewports in modelspace. You can create multiple viewports in modelspace using the Viewport

Configuration drop-down available in the Model Viewports panel of the Visualize tab. This can also be done by using the Viewports dialog box. To load this dialog box, click Visualize > Model Viewport > Named to display the Viewports dialog box. In the dialog box, select the New Viewports tab and then select Four: Equal from the Standard viewports list. Next, select 3D from the Setup drop- down. Click the OK button; four tiled view-ports are displayed in the screen. You can notice that each viewport has a different view and a different UCS. Click inside any viewport to activate it and perform any operation. To return to single viewport, click the Restore Viewports button on the Model Viewports panel; the currently active viewport will fill the screen area

Creating Other Primitive Shapes

In AutoCAD, there are set of tools to create basic geometric shapes. In earlier sections, you have learned to create boxes, wedges, and cylinders. Now, you will learn to create other primitive shapes.

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