
Creating a Wedge in AutoCAD

Creating a Wedge

Wedge is used to create a 3D solid wedge with taper in one end. The direction of the taper is always in the X + direction of the UCS. To create a torus, you need to specify start point, end point, and height.

 Click Home > Modeling > Primitives drop-down > Wedge on the ribbon or type WE in the command line and press ENTER.

 Specify the start point as first corner of the wedge.

 Move the cursor outward and enter 100 in both Dynamic Input boxes as length in both directions. Now press ENTER.

Alternatively, you can simply enter 100, 100 in the command line.

 Move the cursor in upwards direction and enter 90 as height of wedge and press ENTER; the wedge will be created.

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