Civil MDC

Seismic Reservoir Modeling: Theory, expamples, and algorithms 2

Seismic Reservoir Modeling: Theory, expamples, and algorithms

Description & Objectives

Seismic reservoir modeling is an interdisciplinary field that integrates physics, mathematics, geology, statistics, and computer science. The objective of seismic reservoir characterization studies is to predict three-dimensional models of the properties of rocks and fluids in the subsurface based on available geophysical data, such as well measurements and surface geophysical studies.

This book offers a detailed description of the mathematical-physical methods used for quantitative seismic interpretation. In fact, it focuses on mathematical methods for estimating petrophysical properties, such as porosity, mineral volumes, and fluid saturations from geophysical data and attributes.


  1. Review of Probability and Statistics
  2. Rock Physics Models
  3. Geostatistics for Continuous Properties
  4. Geostatistics for Discrete Properties
  5. Seismic and Petrophysical Inversion
  6. Seismic Facies Inversion
  7. Integrated Methods
  8. Case Studies

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