Civil MDC



An end plate connection at a column refers to a structural connection used in the construction of buildings or other steel structures. It is a type of connection where a beam or girder is connected to the end of a column using a specially designed end plate.

The end plate connection provides a means to transfer loads from the beam or girder to the column. The end plate is typically welded to the end of the beam or girder and bolted to the column. The connection is designed to ensure that it can resist the applied forces, including vertical loads, lateral loads, and moments.

The design of an end plate connection involves considering factors such as the applied loads, the size and material of the beam and column, the desired stiffness and strength of the connection, and the available fabrication and erection techniques.

The end plate itself is usually made of steel and is often thicker and larger in size compared to the beam flanges to provide sufficient strength and stiffness. Bolt holes are typically provided on the end plate to accommodate high-strength bolts that secure the connection to the column.

End plate connections are commonly used in steel structures due to their simplicity, ease of fabrication, and ability to accommodate a wide range of loading conditions. They are often used in beam-to-column connections in steel frames for buildings, bridges, and other structures.

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