Civil MDC

HSB Haunched Extended End Plate Connection 2

HSB Haunched Extended End Plate Connection

The HSB Haunched Extended End Plate (HEEP) connection is a type of structural steel connection commonly used in the design of steel frames, such as in buildings and bridges. It is specifically designed to transfer loads between beams and columns, providing stability and strength to the overall structure.

The HEEP connection consists of several main components:

  1. Beam Flanges: The flanges of the beam are extended beyond the column face, creating a haunch. The haunch provides additional moment resistance and helps distribute the loads more efficiently.
  2. End Plate: The end plate is a steel plate welded to the end of the beam. It is typically thicker than the beam flanges and extends beyond the beam section. The end plate is connected to the column using bolts.
  3. Flange Plate: The flange plate, also known as the fin plate, is a steel plate attached to the column flange. It provides a connection surface for the end plate of the beam.
  4. Bolts: High-strength bolts are used to connect the end plate of the beam to the flange plate of the column. The number and size of bolts depend on the design requirements and the magnitude of the applied loads.

The HEEP connection offers several advantages:

  1. Moment Resistance: The haunch design and extended end plate increase the moment resistance of the connection, allowing it to withstand higher bending forces.
  2. Ductility: The HEEP connection provides ductility, which is important in structures subjected to dynamic loads, such as earthquakes. The extended end plate allows for deformation and energy dissipation during seismic events.
  3. Ease of Construction: HEEP connections are relatively simple to fabricate and erect, making them cost-effective and efficient in construction.
  4. Versatility: The design of the HEEP connection can be easily adapted to different beam sizes and column sections, making it suitable for various structural configurations.

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