
ETABS Curved Ramp Supported by Curved Wall

Curved Ramp Supported by Curved Wall

This example, Figure 2, illustrates the use of Line Constraints to capture the interaction of

a curved shear wall supporting a curved ramp. Notice that there are no joints at the points

where the ramp element edges intersect the wall element edges. Displacement

compatibility along the lines of intersection of the ramp and the wall is enforced

automatically by the generation of Line Constraints along those lines. Notice how the

application of Line Constraints allows the wall and ramp mesh to retain a simple

rectangular (or quadrilateral) configuration. A conventional finite element model would

be very irregular because it would need all the additional joints (and corresponding

elements) to allow for the ramp element and wall element edge intersections.

Figure 2: Curved Ramp Supported by Curved Wall

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