Civil MDC

Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete Testing Services (ACI 311.6M-09) 2

Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete Testing Services (ACI 311.6M-09)


This specification sets the minimum requirements for testing of ready mixed concrete at the project site when specific field-measured properties and laboratory-measured compressive strength are used as a basis for acceptance of concrete as delivered to the site. It includes requirements for making and curing test specimens, performing field and laboratory tests, and qualifying personnel and laboratories performing these tests.

Testing services required in this specification shall be completed by a Testing Agency engaged by the Owner. The Testing Agency must be independent from conflicts of interest that may affect objective reporting of the testing services.1.1.2Work not specified—This specification does not apply to testing requirements and responsibilities required of the construction Contractor.1.1.3Project Documents—The Testing Agency shall provide the tests and reports defined by the Project Specifications supplied by the Owner or Owner’s representative.

The Testing Agency shall submit qualifications of field technicians and laboratory testing technicians, as defined in Sections to, to Owner or Owner’s representative. Field technician—Technicians conducting field tests of concrete shall be certified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician – Grade I, unless otherwise specified. Laboratory technician—Technicians conducting laboratory testing shall be certified as ACI Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician – Level 1 or ACI Concrete Strength Testing Technician, unless otherwise specified.

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