Civil MDC

Guide for Use of Normal Weight and Heavyweight Aggregates in Concrete 2

Guide for Use of Normal Weight and Heavyweight Aggregates in Concrete


Aggregates, the major constituent of concrete, influence theproperties and performance of both freshly mixed and hard-ened concrete. In addition to serving as an inexpensive filler,they impart certain positive benefits that are described in thisguide. When they perform below expectation, unsatisfactoryconcrete may result.

Their important role is frequently over-looked because of their relatively low cost as compared to thatof cementitious materials.This guide is to assist the designer in specifying aggregateproperties.

It also may assist the aggregate producer and userin evaluating the influence of aggregate properties on con-crete, including identifying aspects of processing and han-dling that have a bearing on concrete quality and uniformity.The report is limited primarily to natural aggregates, crushedstone, air-cooled blast-furnace slag, and heavyweight aggre-gate. It does not include lightweight aggregates.

The types ofnormal weight and heavyweight aggregates listed are thosecovered by ASTM C 33, ASTM C 63, and other standardizedspecifications. In most cases, fine and coarse aggregatemeeting ASTM C 33 will be regarded as adequate to insuresatisfactory material.

Experience and test results of thosematerials are the basis for discussion of effects on concreteproperties in this guide. Other types of slag, waste materials,and marginal or recycled materials may require special in-vestigations for use as concrete aggregate.

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