
Macro 99: Sending Excel Data to a PowerPoint Presentation

Macro 99: Sending Excel Data to a PowerPoint Presentation

It’s been said that up to 50 percent of PowerPoint presentations contain data that has been copied

straight out of Excel. This is not difficult to believe. It’s often much easier to analyze and create charts

and data views in Excel than in PowerPoint. After you’ve created those charts and data views, why

wouldn’t you simply move them into PowerPoint? The macro in this section allows you to dynami-

cally create PowerPoint slides that contain data from a range you specify.

How it works

In this example, you are copying a range from an Excel file and pasting that range to a slide in a

newly created PowerPoint presentation.

Keep in mind that because this code is run from Excel, you need to set a reference to the Microsoft

PowerPoint Object Library. Again, you can set the reference by opening the Visual Basic Editor in

Excel and selecting ToolsReferences. Scroll down until you find the entry Microsoft PowerPoint XX

Object Library, where the XX is your version of PowerPoint. Select the check box next to the entry.

Sub CopyRangeToPresentation ()

‘Step 1: Declare your variables

Dim PP As PowerPoint.Application

Dim PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation

Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide

Dim SlideTitle As String

‘Step 2: Open PowerPoint and create new presentation

Set PP = New PowerPoint.Application

Set PPPres = PP.Presentations.Add

PP.Visible = True

‘Step 3: Add new slide as slide 1 and set focus to it

Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutTitleOnly)


‘Step 4: Copy the range as a picture

Sheets(“Slide Data”).Range(“A1:J28”).CopyPicture _

Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture

‘Step 5: Paste the picture and adjust its position


PP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters,

True PP.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align

msoAlignMiddles, True

‘Step 6: Add the title to the slide

SlideTitle = “My First PowerPoint Slide”

PPSlide.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = SlideTitle

‘Step 7: Memory Cleanup


Set PPSlide = Nothing

Set PPPres = Nothing

Set PP = Nothing

End sub

1. Step 1 declares four variables: PP is an object variable that exposes the PowerPoint

Application object; PPPres is an object variable that exposes the PowerPoint Presentation

object; PPSlide is an object variable that exposes the PowerPoint Slide object; and

SlideTitle is an string variable used to pass the text for the slide title.

2. Step 2 opens PowerPoint with an empty presentation. Note that we are setting the

Visible property of the PowerPoint application to True. This ensures that you can see the

action as the code runs.

3. Step 3 adds a new slide to the presentation using the Add method of Slide object. Note

that we are using the ppLayoutTitleOnly, ensuring the slide is created with a title text

frame. We then take an extra step here and actually set focus on the slide. That is to say, we

explicitly tell PowerPoint to select this slide, making it active.

4. Step 4 uses the CopyPicture method to copy the target range as a picture. The range

being copied here is range A1 to J28 in the Slide Data tab.

5. Step 5 pastes the picture into the active slide and centers the picture both horizontally and


6. Step 6 stores the text for the title in a string variable, and then passes that variable to

PowerPoint to apply text to the title text frame.

7. Step 7 releases the objects assigned to our variables, reducing the chance of any problems

caused by rogue objects that may remain open in memory.

How to use it

To implement this macro, you can copy and paste it into a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. Right-click the project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code.

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