Civil MDC

Guide for Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction 2

Guide for Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction


Evaluating tolerance compatibility at the interface between concrete and other building systems is challenging because materials, products, and elements that connect to the concrete often have tolerances that differ from those for concrete. Coordinating these different tolerances early in the project reduces problems that can impact quality, cost, and schedule during construction.

Architects and engineers can use the recommendations in this guide to accommodate individual material, product, and element tolerances at their interface with concrete construc-tion. Contractors can use the recommendations in this guide to mitigate tolerance conflicts during the construction phase. T

o assist the architect, engineer, and contractor, this guide lists industry-standard tolerances and presents recommenda-tions for mitigating tolerance conflicts related to embedded items, elevator cores and hoist ways, openings in slabs and walls, manufactured couplers and splicing systems for rein-forcing bars, stairs, cladding systems, infill wall systems, surface accessibility components, finish floor coverings, and expansion joints. This guide does not list all concrete or industry tolerances or all potential tolerance conflicts.

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