Book Description
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Bearing in mind that reinforced concrete is a key component in a majority of built environment structures, Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions combines the scientific knowledge of earthquake engineering with a focus on the design of reinforced concrete buildings in seismic regions. This book addresses practical design issues, providing an integrated, comprehensible, and clear presentation that is suitable for design practice.
It combines current approaches to seismic analysis and design, with a particular focus on reinforced concrete structures, and includes:
- an overview of structural dynamics
- analysis and design of new R/C buildings in seismic regions
- post-earthquake damage evaluation, pre earthquake assessment of buildings and retrofitting procedures
- seismic risk management of R/C buildings within urban nuclei
- extended numerical example applications
Concrete Buildings in Seismic Regions determines guidelines for the proper structural system for many types of buildings, explores recent developments, and covers the last two decades of analysis, design, and earthquake engineering. Divided into three parts, the book specifically addresses seismic demand issues and the basic issues of structural dynamics, considers the “capacity” of structural systems to withstand seismic effects in terms of strength and deformation, and highlights existing R/C buildings under seismic action. All of the book material has been adjusted to fit a modern seismic code and offers in-depth knowledge of the background upon which the code rules are based. It complies with the last edition of European Codes of Practice for R/C buildings in seismic regions, and includes references to the American Standards in effect for seismic design.
Table of Contents
Historical notes
Structure of this book
An overview of structural dynamics
Dynamic analysis of elastic single-degree-of-freedom systems
Dynamic analysis of inelastic SDOF systems
Dynamic analysis of MDOF elastic systems
Dynamic analysis of MDOF inelastic systems
Application example
Design principles – seismic actions – performance requirements –compliance criteria
The conceptual framework of seismic design: Energy balance
Earthquake input
Ground conditions and design seismic actions
Performance requirements and compliance criteria
Configuration of earthquake-resistant R/C structural systems: Structural behaviour
Basic principles of conceptual design
Primary and secondary seismic members
Structural R/C types covered by seismic codes
Response of structural systems to lateral loading
Structural configuration of multi-storey R/C buildings
Analysis of the structural system
Structural Regularity
Torsional Flexibility
Ductility Classes and Behaviour Factors
Analysis Methods
Elastic Analysis Methods
Inelastic analysis methods
Combination of the components of gravity loads and seismic action
Example: Modelling and elastic analysis of an eight-storey RC building
Examples: Applications using inelastic analysis
Capacity design – design action effects – safety verifications
Impact of capacity design on design action effects
Safety verifications
Reinforced concrete materials under seismic actions
Plain (unconfined) concrete
Confined concrete
Bonding between steel and concrete
Basic Conclusions for materials and their synergy
Seismic-resistant R/C frames
Design of beams
Design of Columns
Beam–column joints
Masonry infilled frames
Example: Detailed design of an internal frame
Seismic-resistant R/C walls and diaphragms
Slender ductile walls
Ductile coupled walls
Squat ductile walls
Large lightly reinforced walls
Special issues in the design of walls
Seismic design of diaphragms
Example: Dimensioning of a ductile and slender
Wall with a composite cross-section
Seismic design of foundations
Ground properties
General considerations for foundation analysis and design
Analysis and design of foundation ground under the design action effects
Analysis and design of foundation members under the design action effects
Example: Dimensioning of foundation beams
Seismic pathology
Classification of damage to R/C structural members
Factors affecting the degree of damage to buildings
Emergency post-earthquake damage inspection, assessment and human life protection measures
Inspections and damage assessment
Organisational scheme for inspections
Action plan
Emergency measures for temporary propping
Final remarks
Seismic assessment and retrofitting of R/C buildings
Pre-Earthquake Seismic Evaluation of R/C Buildings
Post-Earthquake Seismic Evaluation of R/C Buildings
Design of Repair of R/C Buildings
Detailed seismic assessment and rehabilitation of R/C buildings
Overview of displacement-based design for seismic actions
Scope of the detailed seismic assessment and rehabilitation of R/C buildings
Performance requirements and compliance criteria
Information for structural assessment
Quantitative assessment of seismic capacity
Decisions for structural retrofitting of R/C buildings
Design of structural rehabilitation
Technology of repair and strengthening
Materials and intervention techniques
Redimensioning and safety verification of structural elements
Repair and strengthening of structural elements using conventional means
Repair and strengthening of structural elements using FRPs
Addition of new structural elements
Quality assurance of interventions
Final remarks
Seismic risk management
Conceptual approach to the steps of seismic risk management
Seismic risk assessment in the United States and European Union
Seismic hazard
Seismic vulnerability
Seismic risk analysis
Cost–benefit analysis
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