

Exploding Blocks in AutoCAD

Exploding Blocks When you insert a block in a drawing, it will be considered as a single object even though it consists of numerous individual ...

Inserting Blocks in AutoCAD

Inserting Blocks After creating a block, you can insert it at the desired location inside the drawing using the INSERT command. The procedures ...

AutoCAD Text in Hatching

Text in Hatching You can create hatching without passing through the text and dimensions.  Create a drawing as shown in figure.  ...

Setting the Properties of Hatch lines

Setting the Properties of Hatch lines You can set the properties of the hatch lines such as angle, scale, transparency in the Properties panel ...

Creating Inferred Constraints In AutoCAD

Creating Inferred Constraints With the Infer Constraints button active at the status bar, you can automatically create constraints while ...

Creating equations using the Parameters Manager

Creating equations using the Parameters Manager Equations are relations between the dimensional constraints. Look at the drawing given below. In ...

Various Dimensioning Tools in AutoCAD

The functions of various dimensioning tools are discussed below, one-by-one:  Dimension [ DIMThis tool is used to create the dimensions according ...

Creating Orthographic Views in AutoCAD

Creating Orthographic Views Orthographic Views are standard representations of an object on a drawing sheet. It is the method to generate ...

The Scale tool in AutoCAD

The Scale tool The Scale tool is used to change the size of objects. You can reduce or enlarge the size without changing the shape of an ...

The Rotate tool in AutoCAD

The Rotate tool The Rotate tool is used to rotate an object or a group of objects about a base point. To rotate objects, you need to invoke ...

The Copy tool In AutoCAD

The Copy tool The Copy tool is used to copy objects and place them at a required location. This tool is similar to the Move tool, except ...

AutoCAD Using Object Snap Tracking

Using Object Snap Tracking Object Snap tracking is the movement of cursor along the trace lines originating from the key points of objects. Object ...

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design (CAD) software developed by Autodesk. It is widely used by architects, engineers, and construction professionals to create precise 2D and 3D drawings and models. AutoCAD provides tools for creating and editing geometric shapes, such as lines, circles, and arcs, as well as text and dimensions. It also includes features for 3D modeling, rendering, and visualization, as well as support for collaboration and data management. AutoCAD supports multiple file formats, including DWG and DXF, which are widely used in the architecture, engineering, and construction industries.

AutoCAD is available for Windows and macOS and it offers a free trial version and several paid versions like AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, AutoCAD for Mac and AutoCAD mobile app. Additionally, it offers specialized toolsets such as AutoCAD Architecture, AutoCAD Electrical, AutoCAD Civil 3D, and AutoCAD Mechanical, catering to specific industries and workflows.

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