
Building Systems

Building Systems

  • Building is an assemblage of various Systems
    • Basic Functional System (Protection, Safety, heat and light etc.
    • Structural System
    • HVAC System
    • Plumbing and Drainage System
    • Electrical, Electronic and Communication System
    • Security System

    • Other specialized systems

      Structural System

      Structural systems are those elements of construction that are designed to form part of a building’s structure either to support the entire building or just a part of it.

      So, a steel frame is a structural system that supports the building and everything on it and in it.

      Structural System

      The primary role of a building structure is to support and transmit the building loads and forces to the ground.

      The most important characteristics of the bearing structure are:

      • Strength
      • Stability
      • Cost effectiveness

      • Types of Buildings Structural System

        Wall Bearing System

        wall that bears the weight of the house

Types of Buildings Structural System

Types of Building s Structural System


  • Shell structures can be made of such materials as;
  • Reinforced thin-shell concrete,
  • Glass
  • Steel
  • Glass & Steel
  • Plastic


    Types of Building s Structural System

Tent System

Membrane is a thinflexible surface

  • The traditional tents structure .

  • Hajj Terminal, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


    • Jeddah Sports Hall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Frei Otto

Types of Building s Structural System

cable structure is a type of structure that utilizes tensioned transmit the cables to support or loads of structures. In conventional structures, concrete columns are usually used to support the self-weight of the structure as well as the downward loads but there are cases where this system is undesirable.

Cables System


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