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Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures by Alain Nussbaumer, Laurence Davaine, and Luis Borges 1

Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures by Alain Nussbaumer, Laurence Davaine, and Luis Borges

DESCRIPTION This volume addresses the specific subject of fatigue, a subject not familiar to many engineers, but still relevant for proper and good design of numerous steel structures. It explains all issues related to the subject: Basis of fatigue design, reliability and various verification formats, determination of stresses and stress ranges, fatigue strength, application range […]

Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures: Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures, Part 1-9 Fatigue; Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures by Alain Nussbaumer, Laurence Davaine, and Luis Borges Read More »

[3 Volume Set] Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability By Saeid Eslamian 3

[3 Volume Set] Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability By Saeid Eslamian

Hydrological and ecological connectivity is a matter of high concern. All terrestrial and coastalecosystems are connected with water, which includes groundwater, and there is a growingunderstanding that “single ecosystems” (mountain forest, hill forest, mangrove forest, freshwaterswamp, peat swamp, tidal mudlat, and coral reef) that are actually the result of an artiicial perceptionand classiication can, in

[3 Volume Set] Handbook of Engineering Hydrology: Modeling, Climate Change, and Variability By Saeid Eslamian Read More »

ECCS - 125 - Buckling of Steel Shells, European Design Recommendations, Eurocode 3, Part 1-6, 5th Edition - OCR 4

ECCS – 125 – Buckling of Steel Shells, European Design Recommendations, Eurocode 3, Part 1-6, 5th Edition – OCR

Metal shell structures have a very wide range of civil engineering applications, from towers, masts, wind turbine towers and chimneys to large storage vessels such as silos, tanks and biodigesters, as well as in pile foundations and harbour wall structures. A shell structure delivers great strength for a limited amount of material, and is highly

ECCS – 125 – Buckling of Steel Shells, European Design Recommendations, Eurocode 3, Part 1-6, 5th Edition – OCR Read More »

Benchmark cases for advanced design of structural steel Connections (joints) 5

Benchmark cases for advanced design of structural steel Connections (joints)

CONTENTS The CBFEM (component-based finite element model) is a new method to analyze and design connections of steel structures. Design focused CM (component model) is compared to FEM (finite elements models). This publication introduces benchmark cases for validation and verification procedures of structural steel joints. The hierarchy of the system response quantity is prepared for

Benchmark cases for advanced design of structural steel Connections (joints) Read More »

Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP): Design, Construction and Practical Applications by Hwai-Chung Wu, Christopher D Eamon 6

Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP): Design, Construction and Practical Applications by Hwai-Chung Wu, Christopher D Eamon

This book presents guidelines for the strengthening of concrete structures usingfiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. This text briefly covers the basic conceptsof FRP materials and composite mechanics while focusing on practical designand construction issues, including inspection and quality control. Special attentionis given to the different approaches and recommendations found in a selection ofinternational FRP design standards.

Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP): Design, Construction and Practical Applications by Hwai-Chung Wu, Christopher D Eamon Read More »

Architectural & Structural Drawings Full Project | AutoCAD 7

Architectural & Structural Drawings Full Project | AutoCAD

What is a CAD drawing? A CAD drawing may be a detailed 2D or 3D illustration displaying the components of an engineering or architectural project. Computer-aided design utilizes software to create drawings to be used throughout the entire process of a design project, from conceptual design to construction or assembly. Download link is given below

Architectural & Structural Drawings Full Project | AutoCAD Read More »

[2020] BIM-Based Collaborative Building Process Management by Bruno Daniotti, Alberto Pavan, Sonia Lupica Spagnolo, Vittorio Caffi, Daniela Pasini, Claudio Mirarchi 8

[2020] BIM-Based Collaborative Building Process Management by Bruno Daniotti, Alberto Pavan, Sonia Lupica Spagnolo, Vittorio Caffi, Daniela Pasini, Claudio Mirarchi

DESCRIPTION The book reports on the great improvements in the information and knowledge management due to the digitalization of the building sector. By summarizing several research projects addressing the implementation of BIM in different stages of the building process, and the definition of standards at Italian, European and international levels for managing information relying on

[2020] BIM-Based Collaborative Building Process Management by Bruno Daniotti, Alberto Pavan, Sonia Lupica Spagnolo, Vittorio Caffi, Daniela Pasini, Claudio Mirarchi Read More »

BIM and Big Data for Construction Cost Management Book by Chi Cheung Lai, Tung Tse, and Weisheng Lu [2019] 9

BIM and Big Data for Construction Cost Management Book by Chi Cheung Lai, Tung Tse, and Weisheng Lu [2019]

This book is designed to help practitioners and students in a wide range of construction project management professions to understand what building information modelling (BIM) and big data could mean for them and how they should prepare to work successfully on BIM-compliant projects and maintain their competencies in this essential and expanding area. In this

BIM and Big Data for Construction Cost Management Book by Chi Cheung Lai, Tung Tse, and Weisheng Lu [2019] Read More »

Understanding BIM: The Past, Present and Future, Book by Jonathan Ingram [2020] 10

Understanding BIM: The Past, Present and Future, Book by Jonathan Ingram [2020]

Understanding BIM presents the story of Building Information Modelling, an ever evolving and disruptive technology that has transformed the methodologies of the global construction industry. Written by the 2016 Prince Philip Gold Medal winner, Jonathan Ingram, it provides an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the

Understanding BIM: The Past, Present and Future, Book by Jonathan Ingram [2020] Read More »

BIM Handbook by Rafael Sacks, Chuck Eastman, Ghang Lee, Paul Teicholz, 3rd Edition, [2018] 11

BIM Handbook by Rafael Sacks, Chuck Eastman, Ghang Lee, Paul Teicholz, 3rd Edition, [2018]

A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Designers, Engineers, Contractors, and Facility Managers “The BIM Handbook is an extensively researched and meticulously written book, showing evidence of years of work rather than something that has been quickly put together in the course of a few months. It brings together most of the current information about BIM,

BIM Handbook by Rafael Sacks, Chuck Eastman, Ghang Lee, Paul Teicholz, 3rd Edition, [2018] Read More »

[2020] Structural Engineering Handbook by Mustafa Mahamid , Edwin H. Gaylord, Charles N. Gaylord, 5th Edition 12

[2020] Structural Engineering Handbook by Mustafa Mahamid , Edwin H. Gaylord, Charles N. Gaylord, 5th Edition

AB a practicing structural engineer and as an educator, I have always believed that structuralengineers and architects should have knowledge of the design of the various types of structuresand of their components, various analysis and design methods, the technologies used in thisanalysis, and the design and production of engineering drawings. The Structural EngineeringHandbook provides established

[2020] Structural Engineering Handbook by Mustafa Mahamid , Edwin H. Gaylord, Charles N. Gaylord, 5th Edition Read More »

Practical Channel Hydraulics by Hazlewood, Caroline, Knight, Donald, Lamb, Rob; Samuels, Paul Shiono, Koji, 2nd Ed. [2018] 13

Practical Channel Hydraulics by Hazlewood, Caroline, Knight, Donald, Lamb, Rob; Samuels, Paul Shiono, Koji, 2nd Ed. [2018]

Description:“Practical Channel Hydraulics is a technical guide for estimating flood water levels in rivers using the innovative software known as the Conveyance and Afflux Estimation System (CES-AES). This is freely available at HR Wallingford’s website The conveyance engine has also been embedded within industry standard river modelling packages such as InfoWorks RS and Flood

Practical Channel Hydraulics by Hazlewood, Caroline, Knight, Donald, Lamb, Rob; Samuels, Paul Shiono, Koji, 2nd Ed. [2018] Read More »

BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales by François Lévy, Jeffrey W. Ouellette [2019] 14

BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales by François Lévy, Jeffrey W. Ouellette [2019]

Description:Paves the path for the adoption and effective implementation of BIM by design firms, emphasizing the design opportunities that this workflow affords This book expands on BIM (Building Information Modeling), showing its applicability to a range of design-oriented projects. It emphasizes the full impact that a data modeling tool has on design processes, systems, and

BIM for Design Firms: Data Rich Architecture at Small and Medium Scales by François Lévy, Jeffrey W. Ouellette [2019] Read More »



 A beginner’s guide to creating 2d and 3d maps and performing… geospatial analysis with arcgis pro 2 Learning ArcGIS Pro 2Second EditionA beginner’s guide to creating 2D and 3D maps and editinggeospatial data with ArcGIS ProTripp Corbin, GISP Learning ArcGIS Pro explains how to successfully use this new powerful desktopGeographic Information System (GIS) application to

LEARNING ARCGIS PRO 2 [2020] Read More »

Mastering ArcGIS Pro by Maribeth Hughett [2020] 16

Mastering ArcGIS Pro by Maribeth Hughett [2020]

A new text for a new GIS experienceAlthough the concepts of GIS have remained fairly constant over time, the software is continuallyevolving. With the release of ArcGIS Pro, the latest software in the Esri GIS family, a new generationof GIS has arrived. ArcGIS Pro has a 64-bit, multithreaded architecture, uses ribbon-stylemenus, integrates 2D and 3D

Mastering ArcGIS Pro by Maribeth Hughett [2020] Read More »

Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Software (Version:19) 17

Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Software (Version:19)

P6 talent building package can be a comprehensive, multi-project arising with and management code, designed on Oracle and MS-SQL Server relative databases for enterprise-wide project-management quality. it’ll stand alone for project and resource management, and it permits your organization to store and manage its comes terribly} very central location. The module supports work breakdown structures

Primavera P6 Professional Project Management Software (Version:19) Read More »

2019 Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction W. Ronald Woods, P.E. Cameron K. Andres Ronald C. Smith [10th Ed.] 18

2019 Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction W. Ronald Woods, P.E. Cameron K. Andres Ronald C. Smith [10th Ed.]

A practical, well-rounded approach to modern construction principles and practices Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction teaches students how to apply design theory to the construction process, providing crucial working knowledge for contractors managing subcontractors. Progressing from basic to advanced material, the text appears on the approved reference list for numerous states requiring contractors to pass

2019 Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction W. Ronald Woods, P.E. Cameron K. Andres Ronald C. Smith [10th Ed.] Read More »

Structural engineering for architects : a handbook by Evans, Peter; McLean, William Silver, Pete 19

Structural engineering for architects : a handbook by Evans, Peter; McLean, William Silver, Pete

This book gives students of architecture an understanding of the fundamental theories and practice behind the creation of architectural structures, helping them to develop an intuitive understanding of structural engineering. The book is divided into four sections: “Structures in nature” looks at structural principles found in natural objects. “Theory” covers general structural theory as well

Structural engineering for architects : a handbook by Evans, Peter; McLean, William Silver, Pete Read More »

[2020] Structural Concrete Theory and Design By M. Nadim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer 20

[2020] Structural Concrete Theory and Design By M. Nadim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer

The main objective of a course on structural concrete design is to develop, in the engineering student, the abilityto analyze and design a reinforced concrete member subjected to different types of forces in a simple and logicalmanner using the basic principles of statistics and some empirical formulas based on experimental results. Once theanalysis and design

[2020] Structural Concrete Theory and Design By M. Nadim Hassoun & Akthem Al-Manaseer Read More »

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