Civil MDC

Compaction of Roller-Compacted Concrete 2

Compaction of Roller-Compacted Concrete


Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) has become an accepted material for constructing dams and pavements, rehabilitating and modifying existing concrete dams, and providing over-flow protection of embankment dams and spillways. Its pro-duction provides a rapid method of concrete construction similar in principle to soil-cement and other earthwork construction. RCC technology developed considerably in the1980s, after early research by Cannon (1972), Dunstan (1977),Hall and Houghton (1974), and the development of the roll-er-compacted dam (RCD) method in Japan in the 1970s. Also, in the 1980s, RCC was developed as a heavy-duty paving ma-terial for log sorting yards, tank hardstands, railroad sorting yards, and other industrial pavements. It also found application in roadways and parking areas. Detailed information on the use of RCC in mass concrete and paving applications is con-tained in ACI 207.5R and ACI 325.10R, respectively.

This report presents a discussion of the equipment and special construction procedures associated with the compactionof RCC. It includes characteristics of the mixture relevant to compaction and the effects of compaction on desired proper-ties of RCC. These properties include various strength parameters, water tightness, and durability. Differentiation is made between RCC used in massive concrete work and that used in pavements.

The discussion also includes provisions for measurement of compaction. This report does not cover soil-cement or cement-treated base. The objective of this report is to summarize experience in compaction of RCC in various applications, to offer guidance in the selection of equipment and procedures for com-paction, and in quality control of the work.

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