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AB a practicing structural engineer and as an educator, I have always believed that structural
engineers and architects should have knowledge of the design of the various types of structures
and of their components, various analysis and design methods, the technologies used in this
analysis, and the design and production of engineering drawings. The Structural Engineering
Handbook provides established engineers, young engineers preparing for license exams, architects,
and civil engineering students a comprehensive reference on the planning and design of
a variety of engineered structures. It also gives the designer the information likely needed for
all design phases.
The handbook covers various types of structures, such as tall buildings, industrial buildings,
bridges including railroad bridges, thin-shell structures, arches, cable-supported roofs, steel
tanks for liquids, retaining structures, blast-resistant structures, bins and silos for granular
material, steel transmission towers and poles, and chimneys. Structural loads for the various
types of structures are also covered, and there is comprehensive coverage of classical structural
analysis methods, finite-element analysis, and computer applications in structural engineering.
Additionally, earthquake-resistant design has been covered based on the most recent codes
and standards. Design of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, structural steel, cold-formed
steel, masonry. wood, and aluminium are covered. A chapter on soil mechanics, soil exploration,
and foundation design is also provided. Design against fatigue and fracture is covered for concrete,
composites, and steel.
In this fifth edition, all chapters have been rewritten, some chapters in previous versions
of the handbook have been removed due to recent developments in design or construction
practices, and 12 new chapters have been added. The new chapters cover structural loads,
fracture mechanics of concrete and composites, railroad bridges, health monitoring of structures,
building information modeling (BIM), structural fire engineering, progressive collapse
and blast-resistant design, strengthening of concrete using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP),
structural glass, design of foundations for machines, value engineering, and stone cladding.
Table of contents :
Structural Engineering Handbook, Fifth Edition
Chapter 1 Structural Loads
Chapter 2 Structural Analysis
Chapter 3 The Finite-Element Method
Chapter 4 Computer Applications in Structural Engineering
Chapter 5 Earthquake-Resistant Design
Chapter 6 Chapter6 Fracture and Fatigue
Chapter 7 Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Chapter 8 Design of Structural Steel Members
Chapter 9 Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members0
Chapter 10 Aluminum Structural Design
Chapter 11 Design of Reinforced-Concrete Structural Members
Chapter 12 Design of Prestressed-Concrete Structural Membersa
Chapter 13 Masonry Construction
Chapter 14 Timber Structures
Chapter 15 Bridge Engineering
Chapter 16 Railroad Bridge Design
Chapter 17 Industrial Buildings0
Chapter 18 Tall Buildings
Chapter 19 Thin-Shell Concrete Structures
Chapter 20 Cable-Supported Roofs
Chapter 21 Reinforced-Concrete Silosa
Chapter 22 Design of Steel Tanks
Chapter 23 Electrical Transmission and Substation Structures
Chapter 24 Chimneys
Chapter 25 Health Monitoring and Nondestructive Testing
Chapter 26 Building Information Modeling (BIM) for Structural Engineering
Chapter 27 Structural Fire Engineering
Chapter 28 Disproportionate Collapse and Blast-Resistant Design
Chapter 29 FRP Strengthening of Reinforced-Concrete Members
Chapter 30 Structural Glass and Glazing
Chapter 31 Machine Foundations
Chapter 32 Value Methodology
Chapter 33 Stone Cladding
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