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Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide Book 2

Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL — A Learner’s Guide Book

If you’re ready to create web pages more complex than those you can build with HTML and CSS alone, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ultimate learning guide to building dynamic, database-driven websites using PHP and MySQL. Packed with real-world examples, this book teaches you all the essentials of server-side programming, from the fundamentals of PHP and MySQL coding to advanced topics such as form validation, session IDs, cookies, database queries and joins, file I/O operations, content management, and more. This updated second edition includes additions such as PHP security vulnerabilities and how to address them, file I/O, unit testing, and an introduction to object-oriented PHP. All the MySQL and PHP code has been updated to reflect latest versions. If you’re ready to build a truly dynamic website, Head First PHP & MySQL is the ideal way to get going.

Head First SQL: Your Brain on SQL -- A Learner's Guide Book 3

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