Civil MDC

Modeling for structural analysis : behavior and basics , G H Powell , Publisher: Computers and Structures, Year: 2010 2

Modeling for structural analysis : behavior and basics , G H Powell , Publisher: Computers and Structures, Year: 2010

”Explains purpose and limitations of structural analysis as tool for designing buildings, other structures. Describes linear and nonlinear behavior of structures and structural components, and how to model this for analysis. Uses physical explanations rather than formal theory or mathematics. Reference for students, educators, practicing engineers at all levels”–


”Explains purpose and limitations of structural analysis as tool for designing buildings, other structures. Describes linear and nonlinear behavior of structures and structural components, and how to model this for analysis. Uses physical explanations rather than formal theory or mathematics.

Reference for students, educators, practicing engineers at all levels”

Modeling for structural analysis : behavior and basics , G H Powell , Publisher: Computers and Structures, Year: 2010 3

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