
Macro 43: Limit Range Movement to a Particular Area

Macro 43: Limit Range Movement to a Particular Area

Excel gives you the ability to limit the range of cells that a user can scroll through. The macro we

demonstrate here is something you can easily implement today.

How it works

Excel’s ScrollArea property allows you to set the scroll area for a particular worksheet. For

instance, this statement sets the scroll area on Sheet1 so the user cannot activate any cells outside

of A1:M17.

Sheets(“Sheet1”).ScrollArea = “A1:M17”

Because this setting is not saved with a workbook, you’ll have to reset it each time the workbook is

opened. You can accomplish this by implementing this statement in the Workbook_Open event:

Private Sub Worksheet_Open()

Sheets(“Sheet1”).ScrollArea = “A1:M17″End Sub

If for some reason you need to clear the scroll area limits, you can remove the restriction with this


ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = “”

How to use it

To implement this macro, you need to copy and paste it into the Workbook_Open event code win-

dow. Placing the macro here allows it to run each time the workbook opens.

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. In the Project window, find your project/workbook name and click the plus sign next to it in

order to see all the sheets.

3. Click ThisWorkbook.

4. Select the Open event in the Event drop-down list (see Figure 4-7).

5. Type or paste the code.

Figure 4-7: Type or paste your code in the Workbook Open event code window.

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