
Macro 38: Deleting Blank Columns

Macro 38: Deleting Blank Columns

Just as with blank rows, blank columns also have the potential of causing unforeseen errors. If you

find that you are manually searching out and deleting blank columns in your data sets, this macro

can automate that task.

How it works

In this macro, we are using the UsedRange property of the ActiveSheet object to define the

range we are working with. The UsedRange property gives us a range that encompasses the cells

that have been used to enter data. We then establish a counter that starts at the last column of the

used range, checking if the entire column is empty. If the entire column is indeed empty, we remove

the column. We keep doing that same delete for every loop, each time incrementing the counter to

the previous column.

Sub Macro38()

‘Step1: Declare your variables.

Dim MyRange As Range

Dim iCounter As Long

‘Step 2: Define the target Range.

Set MyRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange

‘Step 3: Start reverse looping through the range.

For iCounter = MyRange.Columns.Count To 1 Step -1

‘Step 4: If entire column is empty then delete it.

If Application.CountA(Columns(iCounter).EntireColumn) = 0

Then Columns(iCounter).Delete

End If

‘Step 5: Increment the counter down

Next iCounter

End Sub

1. Step 1 first declares two variables. The first variable is an object variable called MyRange.

This is an Object variable that defines the target range. The other variable is a Long

Integer variable called iCounter. This variable serves as an incremental counter.

2. Step 2 fills the MyRange variable with the UsedRange property of the ActiveSheet

object. The UsedRange property gives us a range that encompasses the cells that have

been used to enter data. Note that if we wanted to specify an actual range or a named range,

we could simply enter its name — Range(“MyNamedRange”).

3. In this step, the macro sets the parameters for our incremental counter to start at the max

count for the range (MyRange.Columns.Count) and end at 1 (the first row of the chosen

range). Note that we are using the Step-1 qualifier. Because we specify Step -1, Excel

knows we are going to increment the counter backwards; moving back one increment on

each iteration. In all, Step 3 tells Excel that we want to start at the last column of the chosen

range, moving backward until we get to the first column of the range.

4. When working with a range, you can explicitly call out a specific column in the range by

passing a column index number to the Columns collection of the range. For instance,

Range(“A1:D17”).Columns(2) points to the second column in the range (column B).

In Step 4, the macro uses the iCounter variable as an index number for the Columns

collection of MyRange. This helps pinpoint exactly which column we are working with in

the current loop. The macro checks to see whether all the cells in that column are empty. If

they are, the macro deletes the entire column.

5. In Step 5, the macro loops back to increment the counter down.

How to use it

The best place to store this macro is in your Personal Macro Workbook. This way, the macro is always

available to you. The Personal Macro Workbook is loaded whenever you start Excel. In the VBE Project

window, it is named personal.xlb.

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. Right-click personal.xlb in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code.

If you don’t see personal.xlb in your project window, it doesn’t exist yet. You’ll have to record a

macro, using Personal Macro Workbook as the destination.

To record the macro in your Personal Macro Workbook, select the Personal Macro Workbook option

in the Record Macro dialog box before you start recording. This option is in the Store Macro In

drop-down box. Simply record a couple of cell clicks and then stop recording. You can discard the

recorded macro and replace it with this one.

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