
Macro 9: Determine Whether a Workbook Exists in a Directory

Macro 9: Determine Whether a Workbook Exists in a Directory

You may have a process that manipulates a file somewhere on your PC. For example, you may need

to open an existing workbook to add new data to it on a daily basis. In these cases, you may need to

test to see whether the file you need to manipulate actually exists. This macro allows you to pass a

file path to evaluate whether the file is there.

How it works

The first thing to notice about this macro is that it is a function, not a sub procedure. Making this

macro a function enables us to pass any file path to it.

In this macro, we use the Dir function. The Dir function returns a string that represents the name of

the file that matches what you pass to it. This function can be used in lots of ways, but here, we are

using it to check if the file path we pass to it exists.

Function FileExists(FPath As String) As Boolean

‘Step 1: Declare your variables.

Dim FName As String

‘Step 2: Use the Dir function to get the file name

FName = Dir(FPath)

‘Step 3: If file exists, return True else False

If FName <> “” Then FileExists = True _

Else: FileExists = False

End Function

1. Step 1 declares a string variable that holds the filename that returns from the Dir function.

FName is the name of the string variable.

2. In Step 2, we attempt to set the FName variable. We do this by passing the FPath variable to

the Dir function. This FPath variable is passed via the function declarations (see the first

line of the code). This structure prevents us from having to hard-code a file path, passing it as

a variable instead.

3. If the FName variable can’t be set, this means the path we passed does not exist. Thus

the FName variable is empty. Step 3 merely translates that result to a True or False


Again, this is a function that can be used to evaluate any file path you pass to it. That’s the

beauty of writing this macro as a function.

The following macro demonstrates how to use this function:

Sub Macro9)

If FileExists(“C:\Temp\MyNewBook.xlsx”) = True Then

MsgBox “File exists.”


MsgBox “File does not exist.”

End If

End Sub

How to use it

To implement this macro, you can copy and paste both pieces of code into a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11 on your keyboard.

2. Right-click the project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code in the newly created module.

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