
Macro 73: Apply Pivot Field Restrictions

Macro 73: Apply Pivot Field Restrictions

Like PivotTable restrictions, pivot field restrictions enable us to restrict the types of actions our users

can take on the pivot fields in a PivotTable. The macro outlined in this section demonstrates some of

the protection settings available via VBA.

How it works

The PivotField object exposes several properties that allow you (the developer) to restrict differ-

ent features and components of a PivotTable.

DragToPage: Setting this property to False prevents the users from dragging any pivot

field into the Report Filter area of the PivotTable.

DragToRow: Setting this property to False prevents the users from dragging any pivot

field into the Row area of the PivotTable.

DragToColumn: Setting this property to False prevents the users from dragging any pivot field

into the Column area of the PivotTable.

DragToData: Setting this property to False prevents the users from dragging any pivot

field into the Data area of the PivotTable.

DragToHide: Setting this property to False prevents the users from dragging pivot fields

off the PivotTable. It also prevents the use of the right-click menu to hide or remove pivot


EnableItemSelection: Setting this property to False disables the drop-down lists on each pivot


You can set any or all of these properties independently to either True or False. In this macro, we

apply all of the restrictions to the target PivotTable.

Sub Macro73()

‘Step 1: Declare your Variables

Dim pt As PivotTable

Dim pf As PivotField

‘Step 2: Point to the PivotTable in the activecell

On Error Resume Next

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(ActiveCell.PivotTable.Name)

‘Step 3: Exit if active cell is not in a PivotTable

If pt Is Nothing Then

MsgBox “You must place your cursor inside of a PivotTable.”

Exit Sub

End If

‘Step 4: Apply Pivot Field Restrictions

For Each pf In pt.PivotFields

pf.EnableItemSelection = False

pf.DragToPage = False

pf.DragToRow = False

pf.DragToColumn = False

pf.DragToData = False

pf.DragToHide = False

Next pf

End Sub

1. Step 1 declares two object variables, using pt as the memory container for our PivotTable

and pf as a memory container for our pivot fields. This allows us to loop through all the

pivot fields in the PivotTable.

2. Set the pt variable to the name of the PivotTable on which the active cell is found. We do

this by using the ActiveCell.PivotTable.Name property to get the name of the tar-

get pivot.

3. Step 3 checks to see whether the pt variable is filled with a PivotTable object. If the pt vari-

able is set to Nothing, the active cell was not on a PivotTable, thus no PivotTable could be

assigned to the variable. If this is the case, the macro notifies the user via a message box, and

then exits the procedure.

4. Step 4 of the macro uses a For Each statement to iterate through each pivot field. Each

time a new pivot field is selected, we apply all of our pivot field restrictions.

How to use it

You can implement this kind of a macro in a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. Right-click the project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code.

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