
Working with a Code Window

Working with a Code Window

As you become proficient with VBA, you spend lots of time working in Code windows. Macros that

you record are stored in a module, and you can type VBA code directly into a VBA module.

Minimizing and maximizing windows

Code windows are much like workbook windows in Excel. You can minimize them, maximize them,

resize them, hide them, rearrange them, and so on. Most people find it much easier to maximize the

Code window that they’re working on. Doing so lets you see more code and keeps you from getting


To maximize a Code window, click the maximize button in its title bar (right next to the X). Or, just double-

click its title bar to maximize it. To restore a Code window to its original size, click the Restore button.

When a window is maximized, its title bar isn’t really visible, so you’ll find the Restore button to the right of

the Type a Question for Help box.

Sometimes, you may want to have two or more Code windows visible. For example, you may want to

compare the code in two modules or copy code from one module to another. You can arrange the

windows manually, or use the WindowTile Horizontally or WindowTile Vertically commands to

arrange them automatically.

You can quickly switch among code windows by pressing Ctrl+Tab. If you repeat that key combina- tion,

you keep cycling through all the open code windows. Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Tab cycles through the

windows in reverse order.

Minimizing a Code window gets it out of the way. You can also click the window’s Close button in a

Code window’s title bar to close the window completely. (Closing a window just hides it; you won’t

lose anything.) To open it again, just double-click the appropriate object in the Project window.

Working with these Code windows sounds more difficult than it really is.

Getting VBA code into a module

Before you can do anything meaningful, you must have some VBA code in the VBA module. You can get

VBA code into a VBA module in three ways:

Use the Excel macro recorder to record your actions and convert them to VBA code

Enter the code directly

Copy the code from one module and paste it into another

You have discovered the excellent method for creating code by using the Excel Macro recorder. However,

not all tasks can be translated to VBA by recording a macro. You often have to enter your code directly into

the module. Entering code directly basically means either typing the code yourself or copying and pasting

code you have found somewhere else.

Entering and editing text in a VBA module works as you might expect. You can select, copy, cut, paste,

and do other things to the text.

A single line of VBA code can be as long as you like. However, you may want to use the line-

continuation character to break up lengthy lines of code. To continue a single line of code (also known

as a statement) from one line to the next, end the first line with a space followed by an underscore (_).

Then continue the statement on the next line. Here’s an example of a single state- ment split into three


Selection.Sort Key1:=Range(“A1”), _

Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _


This statement would perform exactly the same way if it were entered in a single line (with no line-

continuation characters). Notice that the second and third lines of this statement are indented.

Indenting is optional, but it helps clarify the fact that these lines are not separate statements.

The VBE has multiple levels of undo and redo. If you deleted a statement that you shouldn’t have, use

the Undo button on the toolbar (or press Ctrl+Z) until the statement appears again. After undoing,

you can use the Redo button to perform the changes you’ve undone.

Ready to enter some real, live code? Try the following steps:

1. Create a new workbook in Excel.

2. Press Alt+F11 to activate the VBE.

3. Click the new workbook’s name in the Project window.

4. Choose InsertModule to insert a VBA module into the project.

5. Type the following code into the module:

Sub GuessName()

Dim Msg as String

Dim Ans As Long

Msg = “Is your name ” & Application.UserName & “?”

Ans = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo)

If Ans = vbNo Then MsgBox “Oh, never mind.”

If Ans = vbYes Then MsgBox “I must be clairvoyant!”

End Sub

6. Make sure the cursor is located anywhere within the text you typed and press F5 to execute

the procedure.

When you enter the code listed in Step 5, you might notice that the VBE makes some adjustments to

the text you enter. For example, after you type the Sub statement, the VBE automatically inserts the

End Sub statement. And if you omit the space before or after an equal sign, the VBE inserts the

space for you. Also, the VBE changes the color and capitalization of some text. This is all perfectly nor-

mal. It’s just the VBE’s way of keeping things neat and readable.

If you followed the previous steps, you just created a VBA Sub procedure, also known as a macro.

When you press F5, Excel executes the code and follows the instructions. In other words, Excel evalu-

ates each statement and does what you told it to do. You can execute this macro any number of

times — although it tends to lose its appeal after a few dozen executions.

This simple macro uses the following concepts:

Defining a Sub procedure (the first line)

Declaring variables (the Dim statements)

Assigning values to variables (Msg and Ans)

Concatenating (joining) a string (using the & operator)

Using a built-in VBA function (MsgBox)

Using built-in VBA constants (vbYesNo, vbNo, and vbYes)

Using an If-Then construct (twice)

Ending a Sub procedure (the last line)

As we mentioned previously, you can copy and paste code into a VBA module. For example, a Sub or

Function procedure that you write for one project might also be useful in another project. Instead

of wasting time reentering the code, you can activate the module and use the normal copy-and-

paste procedures (Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste). After pasting it into a VBA module, you can

modify the code as necessary.

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