
Coloring using Hex values

Coloring using Hex values

Previously, we could only use the RGB or HSL color models to enter specific color shades in the Custom colors dialog box. We can now type in Hex codes when applying color to objects, shapes, lines, or text. A hex code is a combination of six numbers or letters and

is prefixed with the # symbol (hashtag). An example of a Hex code is #8A2BE2. There are lots of websites on the internet that can help you convert RGB into Hex codes, and vice versa, to find that perfect shade you require. Follow these steps:

  • Open the document that contains the elements you wish to change. For this example, we will be working with the ColorfulTabs.docx file.
  • Select an image, shape, or text to alter its color. We would like to change the color of the circle shape at the top-left corner of the second page of the document.
  • Double-click to select the circle.
  • The Shape Format tab will appear at the end of the ribbon.
  • Select the Shape Fill drop-down arrow, which can be located via the Shape Styles group.
  • Click on More Fill Colors…:

Figure 3.21 – The Hex: option is now visible on the Custom Colors palette

  • The Colors dialog box will populate. At the bottom of the dialog box, you will notice a new option named Hex:.
  • Type in the Hex code you wish to format your shape with by replacing any text that’s already been entered into the area provided to the right of Hex: text. For this example, we will use Hex code #8A2BE2.
  • Click OK to confirm this. Now, your shape will be a new bright color.
  • We have learned a new skill to apply different shades of color to elements within Word. Let’s have some fun on the next topic looking at ways to jazz up our drawing shapes.
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