Civil MDC

Beam to HSS with Single Plate Shear Connection 2

Beam to HSS with Single Plate Shear Connection

When connecting a beam to a hollow structural section (HSS) using a single plate shear connection, the goal is to create a strong and efficient connection that can transfer shear forces between the beam and the HSS. Here is an overview of the general process for designing such a connection:

Determine the loads and design criteria: Identify the loads that will act on the connection, such as shear forces, axial forces, and moments. Consider any specific design criteria or code requirements applicable to your project.

Select the plate thickness and material: Determine the appropriate plate thickness and material based on the required strength and the available options. Common materials for connection plates include steel plates of various grades.

Determine the plate dimensions: Consider the depth and width of the HSS, as well as the dimensions of the beam flange. The plate should adequately cover the flange of the beam and provide sufficient contact area with the HSS.

Calculate the required plate shear capacity: The plate must have sufficient shear capacity to transfer the shear forces between the beam and the HSS. This capacity is calculated based on the plate material properties and thickness.

Provide connection details: Determine the required weld size and length for attaching the plate to the beam and HSS. Ensure that the welds meet the applicable welding codes and standards.

Verify the connection’s adequacy: Perform a thorough check to ensure that the connection can withstand the applied loads and meet the design requirements. Consider factors such as bearing, block shear, and other relevant failure modes.

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