Civil MDC

Specification for Shotcrete (ACI 506.2-13) 2

Specification for Shotcrete (ACI 506.2-13)


1.1.1 Work specified—This Reference Specification covers the requirements for shotcrete as specified by the Archi-tect/Engineer. Included are the requirements for materials; proportioning; and application of structural and nonstruc-tural shotcrete, including structural and nonstructural fiber-reinforced shotcrete.1.1.2 Units—Values in this specification are stated in inch-pound units. A companion specification in SI units is also available.

accepted—determined to be satisfactory by Owner or Architect/Engineer. Architect/Engineer—the architect, engineer, architec-tural firm, engineering firm, or architectural and engineering firm issuing Contract Documents or administering the Work under Contract Documents, or both. Contract Documents—set of documents supplied by Owner to Contractor as the basis for construction; these documents contain contract forms, contract conditions, specifications, drawings, addenda, and contract changes.

Contractor—the person, firm, or corporation with whom the Owner enters into an agreement for construction of the Work.fiber-reinforced shotcrete (FRS)––shotcrete containing discontinuous discrete fibers. gun finish––undisturbed final layer of shotcrete as applied from a nozzle without further finishing. overspray—waste shotcrete material deposited away from intended receiving surface Owner—the corporation, association, partnership, indi-vidual, public body, or authority with whom the Contractor enters into an agreement and for whom the Work is provided. permitted—accepted by or acceptable to Architect/Engi-neer; usually pertains to a request by Contractor, or when specified in Contract Documents

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