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Multi View Drawings in AutoCAD

Multi View Drawings in AutoCAD In this chapter, you will learn concept of drawing views. The drawing views are generated to show accurate ...

AutoCAD Modifying Rectangular Arrays

Modifying Rectangular Arrays You can use grips to edit rectangular arrays dynamically. Various array editing operations using grips are given ...

AutoCAD The Polar Array tool

The Polar Array tool The Polar Array tool is used to create an arrangement of objects around a point in circular form. The following example shows ...

AutoCAD The Explode tool

The Explode tool The Explode tool is used to explode a group of objects into individual objects. For example, when you create a d rawing using the ...

AutoCAD The Trim tool

The Trim tool When an object intersects with another object, you can remove its unwanted portion by using the Trim tool. To trim an object, you ...

Editing Tools in AutoCAD

Editing Tools in AutoCAD In this chapter, you will learn the following tools:  The Move tool  The Copy tool  The Rotate tool  ...

AutoCAD Panning Drawings

Panning Drawings After zooming into a drawing, you may want to view an area which is outside the current display. You can do this by using the ...

AutoCAD Running Object Snaps

Running Object Snaps Previously, you have learned to select Object Snaps from the shortcut menu. However, you can make Object Snap modes ...

AutoCAD Using Object Snaps

Using Object Snaps Object Snaps are important settings that improve your performance and accuracy while creating a drawing. They allow you to select ...

AutoCAD Using Layers

Using Layers Layers are like a group of transparent sheets that are combined into a complete drawing. The figure below displays a drawing ...

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