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AutoCAD Cycling through Object Snaps

  Cycling through Object Snaps After setting the Running Object Snap settings, AutoCAD displays object snaps depending on the shape of ...

AutoCAD Using the Ortho mode and Polar Tracking

Using the Ortho mode and Polar Tracking Ortho mode is used to draw orthogonal (horizontal or vertical) lines. Polar Tracking is used to ...

AutoCAD Setting the Limits of a drawing

Setting the Limits of a drawing You can set the limits of a drawing by specifying its lower-left and top-right corners. By setting Limits of a ...

AutoCAD Setting the Line weight

Setting the Line weightLineweight is the thickness of the objects that you draw. In AutoCAD, there is a default lineweight/thickness assigned to ...

AutoCAD Setting Grid and Snap

Setting Grid and Snap Grid is the basic drawing setting. It makes the drawing window appear like a graph paper. You can turn ON the grid display ...

Changing In AutoCAD Question And Exercises

Questions: 1. Which tools is to enlarge or reduce size of object? 2. Which tool is used to remove unwanted portion of object? 3. Which tool ...

AutoCAD Changing Fill angle of the array/Changing Item count of a Polar array

Changing the Fill angle of the array  The default fill angle of a polar array is 360 degrees. To change the fill angle, place the cursor ...

AutoCAD Changing Row Spacing/Changing Angle between the Items

Changing the Row Spacing  To change the total row spacing, place the cursor on the last row grip and select Total Row Spacing.  Next, move ...

AutoCAD Changing the Row Count of a Polar array

Changing the Row Count of a Polar array  Place the cursor on the base grip of the array and select Row Count from the shortcut menu.  Move ...

AutoCAD Modifying Polar Arrays

Modifying Polar Arrays Similar to editing rectangular arrays, you can also edit a polar array by using grips. Various array editing operations ...

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