

CSI ETABS, SAFE, and SAP2000 are all software programs used for structural analysis and design.

CSI ETABS stands for Computer and Structures, Inc. Extended Three-dimensional Analysis of Building Systems, is a software program for building design and analysis, specifically for tall buildings.

SAFE stands for Structural Analysis for Excel and is a software program for foundation design, specifically for mat foundations, spread footings, and combined footings.

SAP2000 stands for Structural Analysis Program with Integrated Analysis of Systems and is a general-purpose software program for civil engineering, specifically for the analysis and design of structures, including buildings, bridges, and towers.

ETABS Concrete Frame and Shear Wall Design

Concrete Frame and Shear Wall Design Auto Loading Combinations and Design Groups For concrete frame and shear wall design, ETABS creates load combinations based upon the design code chosen and different load cases defined. To select a specific code for concrete design, go to Options>Preferences>Concrete Frame Design. For this example, choose the ACI 318-05/IBC 2003

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ETABS ASCE 7-02 Wind Loads and Auto-permutation of Wind Directions

ASCE 7-02 Wind Loads and Auto-permutation of Wind Directions Next, we will define the wind load cases to the model. Perform the same operation as discussed earlier to define a wind load case. This time we will apply a wind load in the Y-direction. Give the load case a name of WY, select a WIND

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ETABS Static and Dynamic Loading of Diaphragms

Static and Dynamic Loading of Diaphragms Rigid, Semi-Rigid and Flexible Floor Diaphragms Assigning a diaphragm to an area object provides a diaphragm constraint to all of the corner points of the area object and to any additional point objects that are enclosed within the boundaries of the area object. This includes any points (joints) that

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ETABS Meshing of Concrete Floor Systems and Auto Line Constraints

Meshing of Concrete Floor Systems and Auto Line Constraints During analysis, ETABS automatically meshes (divides) area objects that are assigned deck properties or slab properties with membrane behavior only. For this example, we are using slab type elements; therefore, we must mesh the slabs manually. First, select all of the floor elements (from Select>Area Object

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