
Macro 54: Create a Super Data Cleanup Macro

Macro 54: Create a Super Data Cleanup Macro

As we mentioned at the beginning of this Part, you can combine the macros we have covered thus

far into a super data cleanup macro. This allows you to clean and standardize your data in one fell

swoop, saving loads of time and headaches.

How it works

In this macro, we combine several of the data transformation macros we have covered into one. Note

that we only need to declare the two Range object variables one time. With each action, we point

these variables to different ranges. Although you have to alter the ranges and the tasks in this macro,

it gives you a good idea of how to start an all-purpose data cleanup procedure that suits your needs.

Sub Macro54()

‘Step 1: Declare your variables

Dim MyRange As Range

Dim MyCell As Range

‘Step 2: Save the Workbook before changing cells?

Select Case MsgBox(“Can’t Undo this action. ” & _

“Save Workbook First?”, vbYesNoCancel)

Case Is = vbYes


Case Is = vbCancel

Exit Sub

End Select

‘Step 3: Perform Text to Columns

Set MyRange = Range(“F6:I17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

If Not IsEmpty(MyCell) Then

MyCell.Value = MyCell.Value

End If

Next MyCell

‘Step 4: Pad Customer Numbers with zeros

Set MyRange = Range(“B6:B17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

End If

Next MyCell

‘Step 5: Truncate Postal Codes to 5 digits

Set MyRange = Range(“C6:C17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

If Not IsEmpty(MyCell) Then

MyCell = Left(MyCell, 5)

End If

Next MyCell

‘Step 6: Add Area code to Phone Numbers

Set MyRange = Range(“D6:D17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

If Not IsEmpty(MyCell) Then

MyCell = “(972) ” & MyCell

End If

Next MyCell

‘Step 7: Trim Spaces from Product Numbers

Set MyRange = Range(“E6:E17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

If Not IsEmpty(MyCell) Then

MyCell = Trim(MyCell)

End If

Next MyCell

‘Step 8: Replace Blanks with zeros

Set MyRange = Range(“F6:I17”)

For Each MyCell In MyRange

If Len(MyCell.Value) = 0 Then

MyCell = 0

End If

Next MyCell

End Sub

How to use it

To implement this kind of a macro, you can copy and paste it into a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11 on your keyboard.

2. Right-click the project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code.

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