
Macro 69: Apply Number Formatting for All Data Items

Macro 69: Apply Number Formatting for All Data Items

A PivotTable does not inherently store number formatting in its pivot cache. Formatting takes up

memory; so in order to be as lean as possible, the pivot cache only contains data. Unfortunately, this

results in the need to apply number formatting to every field you add to a PivotTable. This takes from

eight to ten clicks of the mouse for every data field you add. When you have PivotTables that contain

five or more data fields, you’re talking about more than 40 clicks of the mouse!

Ideally, a PivotTable should be able to look back at its source data and adopt the number formatting

from the fields there. The macro outlined in this section is designed to do just that. It recognizes the

number formatting in the PivotTable’s source data and applies the appropriate formatting to each

field automatically.

How it works

Before running this code, you want to make sure that

The source data for your PivotTable is accessible. The macro needs to see it in order to cap-

ture the correct number formatting.

The source data is appropriately formatted. Money fields are formatted as currency, value

fields are formatted as numbers, and so on.

This macro uses the PivotTable SourceData property to find the location of the source data. It then

loops through each column in the source, capturing the header name and the number format of the

first value under each column. After it has that information, the macro determines whether any of the

data fields match the evaluated column. If it finds a match, the number formatting is applied to that

data field.

Sub Macro69()

‘Step 1: Declare your Variables

Dim pt As PivotTable

Dim pf As PivotField

Dim SrcRange As Range

Dim strFormat As String

Dim strLabel As String

Dim i As Integer

‘Step 2: Point to the PivotTable in the activecell

On Error Resume Next

Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(ActiveCell.PivotTable.Name)

‘Step 3: Exit if active cell is not in a PivotTable

If pt Is Nothing Then

MsgBox “You must place your cursor inside of a

PivotTable.” Exit Sub

End If

‘Step 4: Capture the source range

Set SrcRange = _

Range(Application.ConvertFormula(pt.SourceData, xlR1C1, xlA1))

‘Step 5: Start looping through the columns in source

range For i = 1 To SrcRange.Columns.Count

‘Step 6: Trap the source column name and number format

strLabel = SrcRange.Cells(1, i).Value

strFormat = SrcRange.Cells(2, i).NumberFormat

‘Step 7: Loop through the fields PivotTable data area

For Each pf In pt.DataFields

‘Step 8: Check for match on SourceName then apply format

If pf.SourceName = strLabel Then

pf.NumberFormat = strFormat

End If

Next pf

Next i

End Sub

1. Step 1 declares six variables. It uses pt as the memory container for our PivotTable and pf as

a memory container for our data fields. The SrcRange variable holds the data range for the

source data. The strFormat and strLabel variables are both text string variables used to

hold the source column label and number formatting respectively. The i variable serves as a

counter, helping us enumerate through the columns of the source data range.

2. The active cell must be inside a PivotTable for this macro to run. The assumption is that when

the cursor is inside a particular PivotTable, we want to perform the macro action on that


Step 2 sets the pt variable to the name of the PivotTable on which the active cell is found.

We do this by using the ActiveCell.PivotTable.Name property to get the name of

the target pivot.

If the active cell is not inside a PivotTable, an error is thrown. This is why the macro uses the

On Error Resume Next statement. This tells Excel to continue with the macro if there is

an error.

3. Step 3 checks to see whether the pt variable is filled with a PivotTable object. If the pt vari-

able is set to Nothing, the active cell was not on a PivotTable, thus no PivotTable could be

assigned to the variable. If this is the case, we tell the user in a message box, and then we exit

the procedure.

4. If the macro reaches Step 4, it has successfully pointed to a PivotTable. We immediately fill

our SrcRange object variable with the PivotTable’s source data range.

All PivotTables have a SourceData property that points to the address of its source.

Unfortunately, the address is stored in the R1C1 reference style — like this: ‘Raw

Data’!R3C1:R59470C14. Range objects cannot use the R1C1 style, so we need the

address to be converted to ‘Raw Data’!$A$3:$N$59470.

This is a simple enough fix. We simply pass the SourceData property through the

Application.ConvertFormula function. This handy function converts ranges to and

from the R1C1 reference style.

5. After the range is captured, the macro starts looping through the columns in the source

range. In this case, we manage the looping by using the i integer as an index number for the

columns in the source range. We start the index number at 1 and end it at the maximum

number of rows in the source range.

6. As the macro loops through the columns in the source range, we capture the column header

label and the column format.

We do this with the aid of the Cells item. The Cells item gives us an extremely handy

way of selecting ranges through code. It requires only relative row and column positions as

parameters. Cells(1,1) translates to row 1, column 1 (or the header row of the first col-

umn). Cells(2, 1) translates to row 2, column 1 (or the first value in the first column).

strLabel is filled by the header label taken from row 1 of the column that is selected.

strFormat is filled with the number formatting from row 2 of the column that is selected.

7. At this point, the macro has connected with the PivotTable’s source data and captured the

first column name and number formatting for that column. Now it starts looping through the

data fields in the PivotTable.

8. Step 8 simply compares each data field to see if its source matches the name in

strLabel. If it does, that means the number formatting captured in strFormat belongs

to that data field.

9. After all data fields have been evaluated, the macro increments i to the next column in the

source range. After all columns have been evaluated, the macro ends.

How to use it

To implement this macro, you can copy and paste it into a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. Right-click project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code.

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