
Macro 28: Create a Table of Contents for Your Worksheets

Macro 28: Create a Table of Contents for Your Worksheets

Outside of sorting worksheets, creating a table of contents for the worksheets in a workbook is the

most commonly requested Excel macro. The reason is probably not lost on you. We often have

to work with files that have more worksheet tabs than can easily be seen or navigated. A table of

contents definitely helps.

The following macro not only creates a list of worksheet names in the workbook, but it also ads

hyperlinks so that you can easily jump to a sheet with a simple click.

How it works

It’s easy to get intimidated when looking at this macro. There is a lot going on here. However, if you

step back and consider the few simple actions it does, it becomes a little less scary:

It removes any previous Table of Contents sheet

It creates a new Table of Contents sheet

It grabs the name of each worksheet and pastes it on the Table of Contents

It adds a hyperlink to each entry in the Table of Contents

That doesn’t sound so bad. Now look at the code:

Sub Macro28()

‘Step 1: Declare Variables

Dim i As Long

‘Step 2: Delete Previous TOC if Exists

On Error Resume Next

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Sheets(“Table Of Contents”).Delete

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

On Error GoTo 0

‘Step 3: Add a new TOC sheet as the first sheet

ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add _


ActiveSheet.Name = “Table Of Contents”

‘Step 4: Start the i Counter

For i = 1 To Sheets.Count

‘Step 5: Select Next available row

ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1).Select

‘Step 6: Add Sheet Name and Hyperlink

ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add _

Anchor:=ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1), _

Address:=””, _

SubAddress:=”‘” & Sheets(i).Name & “‘!A1”, _


‘Step 7: Loop back increment i

Next i

End Sub

1. Step 1 declares an integer variable called i to serve as the counter as the macro iterates

through the sheets.

Note that this macro is not looping through the sheets the way previous macros in this Part

did. In previous macros, we looped through the worksheets collection and selected each

worksheet there. In this procedure, we are using a counter (our i variable). The main reason

is because we not only have to keep track of the sheets, but we also have to manage to enter

each sheet name on a new row into a table of contents. The idea is that as the counter pro-

gresses through the sheets, it also serves to move the cursor down in the table of contents so

each new entry goes on a new row.

2. Step 2 essentially attempts to delete any previous sheet called Table of Contents. Because

there may not be any Table of Contents sheet to delete, we have to start Step 2 with the On

Error Resume Next error handler. This tells Excel to continue the macro if an error is

encountered here. We then delete the Table of Contents sheet using the DisplayAlerts

method, which effectively turns off Excel’s warnings so we don’t have to confirm the deletion.

Finally, we reset the error handler to trap all errors again by entering On Error GoTo 0.

3. In Step 3, we add a new sheet to the workbook using the Before argument to position the

new sheet as the first sheet. We then name the sheet Table of Contents. As we mentioned

previously in this Part, when you add a new worksheet, it automatically becomes the active

sheet. Because this new sheet has the focus throughout the procedure, any references to

ActiveSheet in this code refer to the Table of Contents sheet.

4. Step 4 starts the i counter at 1 and ends it at the maximum count of all sheets in the work-

book. Again, instead of looping through the Worksheets collection like we’ve done in previ-

ous macros, we are simply using the i counter as an index number that we can pass to the

Sheets object. When the maximum number is reached, the macro ends.

5. Step 5 selects the corresponding row in the Table of Contents sheet. That is to say, if the i

counter is on 1, it selects the first row in the Table of Contents sheet. If the i counter is at 2,

it selects the second row, and so on.

We are able to do this using the Cells item. The Cells item provides an extremely handy

way of selecting ranges through code. It requires only relative row and column positions as

parameters. So Cells(1,1) translates to row 1, column 1 (or cell A1). Cells(5, 3)

translates to row 5, column 3 (or cell C5). The numeric parameters in the Cells item are

particularly handy when you want to loop through a series of rows or columns using an

incrementing index number.

6. Step 6 uses the Hyperlinks.Add method to add the sheet name and hyperlinks to the

selected cell. This step feeds the Hyperlinks.Add method the parameters it needs to

build out the hyperlinks.

7. The last step in the macro loops back to increment the i counter to the next count. When

the i counter reaches a number that equals the count of worksheets in the workbook, the

macro ends.

How to use it

To implement this macro, you can copy and paste it into a standard module:

1. Activate the Visual Basic Editor by pressing ALT+F11.

2. Right-click the project/workbook name in the Project window.

3. Choose InsertModule.

4. Type or paste the code in the newly created module.

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