
Revit Creating the Light and Arraying the Group

Creating the Light and Arraying the Group

Next you will create the symbol for the 8″ recessed light fixture.

  • Open the WU2-1 file. Save the file as WU2-2.
  • Create a new filled region material called Solid White.
    • Start with the Solid Black type.
    • Create a Duplicate and name it Solid White
    • Change the color from Black to White.
    • Click OK to create the material.
    • Using the Region tool, draw a 4″ Radius circle. Set the Line Style to Medium Lines.
  • Click the Green Check to finish the region.
    • Draw two thin lines through the circle at 90 degrees apart.
    • Move the symbol inside the room, you will see that the filled region blocks out the gypsum pattern.

Light Symbol Moved Inside Room

4″ Radius Filled Region

Finished Light Symbol

  • Select the circle and the lines. Click on the Create Group tool. Name the group

    “8” Light”.

Create Group Tool

Create Detail Group Dialog

  • Select the group. Click on the Array tool.

Array Tool

  • Setup the Options bar as shown. Then click to the right of the original symbol. A total of five copies will be made. Make sure that the Group and Associate box is unchecked.

Options Bar


Light Selected    Copies Created

  • Repeat the process and create four rows of five lights.

Completed Array

This is the end of Part 2. Save your file as

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