
AutoCAD Drawing Polygons

Drawing Polygons

A Polygon is a single object having many sides ranging from 3 to 1024. In AutoCAD, you can create regular polygons having sides with equal length. There are two methods to create a polygon. These methods are explained in the following examples.


In this example, you will create a polygon by specifying the number of sides, and then specifying the length of one side.

 Click Home > Draw > Polygon on the ribbon.

 Follow the prompt sequence given next.

Enter number of sides <4>: Type 5 and press ENTER.

Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: Select the Edge option from the

command line. Specify first endpoint of edge: Select an arbitrary point.

Specify second endpoint of edge: Type 20 and press ENTER.


In this example, you will create a polygon by specifying the number of sides and drawing an

imaginary circle (inscribed circle). The polygon will be created with its corners located on the

imaginary circle. You can also create a polygon with the circumscribed circle. A circumscribed circle

is an imaginary circle which is tangent to all the sides of a polygon.

 Type POL in the command line and press ENTER; the POLYGON command will be invoked.

 Follow the prompt sequence given next:

Enter number of sides <5>: Type 8 and press ENTER.

Specify center of polygon or [Edge]: Select an arbitrary point

Enter an option [Inscribed in circle Circumscribed about circle] <C>: Select the Inscribed in

circle option from the command line.

Specify radius of circle: Type 20 and press ENTER; a polygon will be created with its

corners touching the imaginary circle.


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