
AutoCAD Starting a New Drawing

Starting a New Drawing

You can start an AutoCAD document by using the Open and New buttons and options available in

their drop- down list are discussed next:


This button is selected to display the Select File dialog box. You can then browse and select the

required files from the dialog box. The options in this drop-down list are discussed below:

 Open files – This option is selected to display the Select File dialog box.

 Open a sheet set – This option is selected to display the Open Sheet Set dialog box.

Next you can browse and select the required Sheet Set from it.

 Explore sample drawings – This option is selected to access the installed sample files.


This button is selected to create a new drawing with the default drawing template file. The options

available in their drop-down list are discussed next:

 Templates – This option is selected to view the most recently used templates.

 Browse templates – This option is selected to display the Select Template dialog box

with all the drawing template files.

 Get more templates online – This option is selected to download additional drawing template

Files when available.

 Create sheet set – This option is selected to display the Create Sheet Set wizard.

The Select Template dialog box

To start a new drawing, click the New button on anyone of the following:

 Quick Access Toolbar

 Application Menu

The Select template dialog box appears when you click the New button. In this dialog box, select the

acad (inch units) or acadiso (metric units) template for creating a 2D drawing. Select the acad3D or

acadiso3D template for creating 3D models.

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