
Windows 11 Activate by Phone

Windows 11 Activation guide by phone activation method of Microsoft

Activation helps verify that your copy of Windows is genuine and hasn’t been used on more devices than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow. There are three methods to which you can activate your product: Online via the internet, by telephone using our automated systems, and by a live support advocate.

Activate Windows 11

To activate Windows 11 using an internet connection:

As Windows 11 will automatically activate if you are connected to the internet, you can confirm your activation status by selecting Start  > Settings  > System  > Activation and looking under Windows.

If online activation fails, first try the activation troubleshooting in Activate Windows.

To activate Windows 11 by phone:

  1. Select Start  > Settings  > System  > Activation.
  2. Under Activate Windows Now section, select Activate by Phone.

Online: When you begin activation, Windows will try to use your internet connection to activate online. If you have problems activating online or don’t have an internet connection, you can activate by phone. Follow the “Activate using an Internet Connection” method below to attempt via the internet.

Automated System & Live Support Advocate: To get the telephone number for activation support, follow the “Activate by Phone” method below. You will get the option to activate your device over the phone. Please attempt to activate using this method and if you’re not able to complete activation successfully, you will be connected to Microsoft support for your region and country.

Microsoft Windows 11 Download links

Microsoft Windows 11 Setup Download linkIf you haven’t downloaded the setup yet. Download from Microsoft Web URLhttps://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11


Direct Windows 11 Setup file download https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Xa9C_E1_2M_vp4tNGAUkJ66PMXb9eXo/view?usp=sharing

And Here is the Windows 11 Pro Update Download link (And with NO TPM)Download: https://stmarysstclairorg-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/cc10621_office365_beer/ETHp6u6ukNdDpLqddPQNxq0BP6A40dRvPkh8Z3c9sQIuXQ?e=Yvn1Rm

Product activation for Windows – online & support telephone numbers

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