
Top Final year projects for civil engineering students

Final year projects for civil engineering students

& Thesis Topics

Civil Engineering Projects

Advanced Project Topics

• Cement Stabilized Masonry Interlocking Blocks
• Treatment of Dairy Wastewater Aided With Electricity Generation Using Dual Chambered Microbial Fuel Cell
• Replacement of River Sand by Waste Foundry Sand in Paver Blocks
• Sustainable Toilet
• Noise Absorbing Composite Materials Using Agro Waste Products
• Recharging Phreatic Zone through Pervious Concrete Pavement
• Sustainable Energy Generation by Bio Fuel Cell from Septic Tank
• Waste Processing Technologies
• Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete by Using Nanosilica- Nanovanadium Mixture
• Treatment of Landfill Leachate Using Nanoparticals
• Sewage Turbines: Hydropower Opportunities from Treated Sewage Water
• Electricity Generation from Sugar Mill Wastewater by Microbes
• Liquefaction Potential by Locally Available Sand and Silt
• Treatment of Leachate Using Low Cost Materials
• Influence of Concrete Strength in the Tension Zone Using Partial Beam
• Mineral Admixtures and Lime as Stabilizer in the Manufacture of Soil Cement Blocks
• Soil Stabilised Mud Blocks Reinforced With Treated With Coconut Fibers
• Paper Mill Effluent Treatment by Upflow Anaerobic Bioreactor
• Combined Physico – Chemical Treatment for the Colour Reduction of Textile Wastewater
• Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution
• Making Green Porous Concrete for Rain Water Harvesting and Urban Pavements
• Aquifer Mapping, Monitoring and Analysis (AMMA)
• Self Depuration Competence of Natural Streams

• Studies on the Strength and Elastic Behaviour of Concrete In-Filled Steel Tubular Sections
• Utilization of Waste Plastic in Manufacturing of Bricks Along With Quarry Dust & M-Sand
• Experimental Investigation on Cold Formed Light Gauge Rectangular Hollow Section with Welded Knee Joints
• Study of Surface Water and Ground Water and its Treatment Using Biocoagulants
• Digestion of Plastic Using Tenebrio Molitor or Mealworms
• Adsorption of Fluoride Using Nanoparticles of Iron and Aluminum Oxide
• Harden Properties of Concrete Using STP Treated Water & Untreated Wash Water
• Black Cotton Soil Using Bio-Enzyme and Bagasse Ash
• Iron Nano Particles (INP) for the Removal of Arsenic (III) From Ground Water
• Innovative Green SCC with Partial Replacement of Aggregates by Slag
• Reuse of Non-Degradable Waste Pet Bottles for Ground Improvement
• Use of Coconut Shell as Capping for Sand in Rapid Sand Filters
• Sustainable Use of Greywater for the Lower Floor Toilet Flushing
• Performance Assessment on Newfangled Pedestrian Infrastructure in Bengaluru
• Graphene Fabricated Nanomaterials for Water Treatment
• Stabilization of Soils Using Geosynthetics
• Waste Water Treatment Using Lab Scale Reed Bed System Using Phragmitis Australis
• Strength of RC Beam Using Geopolymer Concrete and Adopting Bubble Technology
• Domestic Wastewater Treatment Potential through Constructed Wetland System
• E3 Shelter (Eco-Friendly, Economical, Energy Efficient Shelter)
• Preparation of Concrete Using Gold Mine Waste
• Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil Using Terrazyme
• Treatment of Sugar Industry Wastewater by Baffle Wall Reactor
• Conversion of Spent Coffee Grounds into Renewable Energy
• Drag Reduction due to Streamlining and Boundary Layer Control

Category wise Project list

  1. Earthquake Related Projects (Seismic Projects)
    1. Analysis of Seismic Demand in different structural members
    2. Advanced Earthquake Resistant Techniques
    3. Seismic isolation devices
    4. Energy dissipation devices for seismic design
    5. Reservoir induced seismicity
    6. Failure of foundation due to earthquake
    7. Cost Benefit Analysis of Earthquake Resistant Structures
    8. Confined vs Brick Masonry Buildings
    9. Seismic Behavior Analysis Of Different Structures (Buildings, Bridges, Shear Walls, Footing, Masonry)
    10. Earthquake Vibration Control Using innovative techniques
    11. Earthquake Vibration Control Using new / innovative materials
    12. Increasing strength of buildings by introducing new materials in construction (bentonite, marble dust, rice husk)
    13. Analysis of Building Codes
    14. Innovative use of wood and steel in concrete / brick buildings
    15. Landslide stabilization
    16. Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of existing buildings for a specific area (e.g. vulnerability and risk assessment of brick masonry buildings in Peshawar, Pakistan
    17. Critical evaluation of design methods in seismic zones
    18. Numerical evaluation of the behavior of a reinforced concrete building
    19. How to mainstream the earthquake resistant building design (socially, economically, technically)
    20. Structural and Non-structural effects of earthquake
    21. Probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analysis
  2. Projects are related to Cement & Concrete technology:
    1. Fibre reinforced concrete
    2. High performance self composting concrete
    3. Light weight concrete
    4. Concrete mix design using Indian codes
    5. Geo polymer concrete
    6. Replacement of cement by using of fly ash in concrete
    7. Manufacture testing of Fly ash brick
    8. Strength and sorpitivity of geo polymer concrete
    9. Stabilization of soil by using different stabilizers
    10. Repair and rehabitation technique on concrete
    11. Durability tests on Self compacting concrete
    12. Study of physical & mechanical properties of foamed concrete
    13. Effect of sea water for mixing & curing of structural concrete
  3. Surveying and GIS Applications
    1. Advance Technology in Surveying
    2. Critical Analysis of already conducted surveys for different projects
    3. Development Of Remote Monitoring System For Civil Engineering
    4. Determination of Road profile in an area
    5. Use of contouring to find suitable places for different purposes (e.g. dams, roads, buildings, power plants, industries, reservoirs etc)
    6. Use of GIS and remote sensing in surveying
    7. Laser surveying, its applications, advancements, pros and cons
    8. Applications of different surveying techniques for solving real world problems
    9. Assessment of Quality of Water Bodies Surrounding Landfill Site
    10. Soil Stability and Slope Analysis of Landslides
  4. Civil Engineering Materials & Building Construction Projects
    1. Building Information Modelling (BIM)
    2. Building Information Modelling (BIM) , Autodesk Revit Architecture
    3. Building Information Modelling (BIM) , Autodesk Revit Structure and Robot structural analysis
    4. Building Information Modelling (BIM) , Autodesk Revit MEP
    5. Smart building Material
    6. Cellular Lightweight Concrete
    7. Mineral admixtures for high performance concrete
    8. Glass fiber reinforced concrete
    9. Geosynthetics
    10. Bamboo as a building material
    11. Silica fume concrete
    12. Fly-ash concrete pavement
    13. Non-destructive testing of concrete
    14. Structural and Non-structural behavior analysis of structures (brick, concrete, stone, wood, steel structures)
    15. Modelling and simulation of new / innovative materials in structural analysis softwares
    16. Innovative use of wood and steel in concrete / brick buildings
    17. Pros and Cons of using RCC, Plain cement concrete and how to fill the cons gaps
    18. Use of local materials for insulation and water proofing
    19. Investigation of Insulative properties of different materials
    20. Materials for Sound Barriers
    21. Development of Sustainable Materials
    22. Causes Prevention and Repair of Cracks In Building
    23. Rehabilitation techniques.
    24. Stability of high rise buildings.
    25. Corrosion Mechanism, Prevention & Repair Measures of RCC Structure
    26. Analysis for seismic retrofitting of buildings
    27. Collapse of World Trade Center
    28. Advance construction techniques
    29. The rain roof water-harvesting system
    30. Form-work types & design
    31. Rectification of building tilt
    32. Space hotel
    33. Retrofitting using frp laminates
    34. Green buildings
    35. Passive solar energy buildings
    36. Zero energy buildings
    37. Impact of lightening on building and remedial measures
    38. Laminated floorings
    39. Mainstreaming of green building technology/concept (socially, economically, technically)
    40. Use of architectural features for incorporating green building concepts
  5. Transportation and Bridge Engineering Projects
    1. Advanced pavement design
    2. Intelligent transport system
    3. Flexible pavement
    4. Rural road development
    5. Highway safety
    6. Mixed traffic control & behavior continuously reinforced concrete pavement
    7. Automated highway systems
    8. Correlation of different factors on driver behavior and vehicle speed
    9. Traffic Simulation and Modelling of specific areas
    10. Analysis of traffic flows
  6. Geo-Tech Project (Soil Mechanics)
    1. Soil Liquefaction
    2. Ready mix concrete plants
    3. Pile foundation
    4. Improvement of bearing capacity of sandy soil by grouting
    5. Ground improvement technique
    6. Use of plastic as soil stabilizer
    7. Erosion control in slope
  7. Fluid and Hydraulic Engineering Projects
    1. Wave dissipation over vegetation
    2. Understanding and parametrizing the dynamics of the wavy water surface as a function of wind stress, using stereo imaging techniques
    3. Determination of the sea surface roughness from SWAN wave model results
    4. Development of the DCTA triad source term in SWAN
    5. Long waves on the North Sea
    6. Long waves on the North
    7. Implementation of flexible vegetation effect in SWAN
    8. Modelling drag and inertia forces on vegetation with OpenFOAM ®
    9. Building with Nature Indonesia – Morphodynamic modelling of mangrove coast restoration
    10. Understanding ripening of mud: from laboratory scale to pilot scale
    11. Building with Nature Indonesia – optimization of the permeable structures
    12. Laboratory Experiments for Optimization of Brushwood Structures
    13. Experimental investigation selective withdrawal IJmuiden
    14. CFD Modelling of Breaching-generated Turbidity Currents
    15. Waterdunen: field monitoring and numerical modeling of tidal flow
    16. Shallow jet dynamics on a streamwise topography
    17. Implementation of flexible vegetation effect in SWAN
    18. Watershed management
    19. Water resources engineering
    20. Hydraulic & Hydrological impacts on Bridges
  8. Simulation Modelling and Computer applications related Project
    1. Analysis and Design of Frame Structures
    2. Analysis and Design of Frame Structures in earthquake areas
    3. Analysis and Design of concrete Frame Structures in comparison with steel frame structure
    4. Cost comparison of different structures
    5. case studies of different structures
    6. Simulation of buildings, dams, barrages , bridges etc.
    7. Geometry Optimization of Space Frame Structures
  9. Environmental Engineering Project list
    1. A Study On Construction Waste
    2. Approaches To Greenbelt Design
    3. Environmental Impact Assessment
    4. Bio Gas From Coral Organic Waste
    5. Green Buildings For Quality Living
    6. Environmental Impact Assessment Report
    7. Study Of Recycling Industrial Effluent
    8. Vehicular Pollution Impact on Environment
    9. Effect Of Oil Spill On Marine Environment
    10. Utilization And Recycling Of Treated Waste
    11. A Case Study Of Pollution In River
    12. Concept of Futuristic Buildings -Green Buildings
    13. The Environment-friendly Construction: Related News
    14. Recycling And Reuse Of Building Waste In Construction
    15. Study On Certain Pollution Parameters Of Bhadra River
    16. Off Shore Drilling – Feasible methods to minimize cost
    17. What is E-construction? How can it save our planet earth.
    18. Environmental Effect On Tungabhadra River Near Harihar Town
    19. Eco Friendly Fuels – Importance in big construction projects
    20. Characterization Of The Fort Lake For Its Quality And Pollution
    21. Landslides Causes Environmental Hazards And Rehabilitation Measures
    22. Heavy Metal Pollution Due To Anthropogenic Activities – A Case Study Of Belgaum Fort Lake
    23. Air Pollution Monitoring ( Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide) In And Around Mysore City
    24. A Study Of Physical Properties Of Fine-grained Soils Under Different Environmental Conditions
    25. Analysis Of The State Of Maryland’s Potential Participation In The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
    26. A Study On Environmental Impact Assessment And Impact Management on proposed project
    27. Study Of Role Of Judiciary And Citizen In Environment Protection And Sustainable Development In any city
    28. Sewage treatment plant
    29. Design of water supply scheme and waste water design for a community or city
    30. Logistic management of solid waste

Final year project list for civil engineering

Tip: The above list will give you idea about multiple options, now it is up to you, select that project which is best suited for your Passion and interest.

3 thoughts on “Top Final year projects for civil engineering students”

  1. Good day!
    Thank you for this useful information,I’m currently studying Bsc honors in Construction management and I will be using this as my guidance.

    Though I was looking at the lack of improving civil works-sewerage system affecting progress of innovation in my area or having contractors without experience to be head on with projects without gaining enough experience which has led to slow infrastructure planning and poor quality and incomplete projects.

    Please advice we’re possible.

    1. Welcome…
      Yes, your choice of topic is good…
      You can conduct different surveys regarding this and can conclude in the report form.

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