Civil MDC

Civil Millennium Design Complex (Pvt.) Ltd. (Civil MDC) is a private Engineering and Architectural Consultancy Firm. Established on May 2021 as a small individually owned structural design firm

With a humble beginning of designing small projects such as houses and buildings, the firm is now looking forward in designing Airbases, Town Houses, Mosques, Hospitals, Universities, Embassies, Multi-storey Commercial, Residential & Office buildings, Sports Clubs, Factories (Cold form Steel etc.), Hotels & Resorts, Large Villas and Road Infrastructure etc. At CMDC, we set client satisfaction as our first priority to separate ourselves from others. In addition, we do our best to meet client’s needs since clients’ success leads to our success.

Specialized – Residential and Commercial Buildings Design, Existing Structural Retrofit, Bridges, Seismic/Wind Analysis, Wind and Earthquake resistant structures

New Construction – We do high quality design for residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, medical, educational, and traffic structures. To minimize the possibilities of field problems, we always provide well organized plans and details. We look for economical and common-sense approaches, based on previous experience and knowledge of structural systems and the governing codes.

Existing Investigation and Retrofit – When you or your clients are contemplating retrofit, reconstruction, or purchase, this essential service provides a detailed report on our comprehensive engineering review of existing structures with all necessary construction documents.

Plan Check – We provide structural plan checks for building departments and also act as their consultants, providing advice on the adoption and modification of their codes.

On-site Inspections – Our structural engineers will check the quality of construction for conformance of the design. We can provide signed reports of conformance when applicable to assure you that the structure is built as per plans.

Peer Review and Value Engineering (VET) – We can review and report on plans and calculations provided by others to verify they meet specifications and codes and they are the most cost-effective approach.

What’s Special with CMDC?

Very Competitive Prices – High quality service does not mean high prices. We dig deep into our internal management to increase our work efficiency to keep cost down for our clients. At CMDC, we go directly to the throat of the structural problems and resolve them the best way to meet our clients’ needs, we don’t give ambiguous answers to waste our clients’ time.

Timely Responses – Because we are the experts in our field, we do not go through unnecessary error correction processes. We respect our clients’ needs; thus, we respond to questions 24 hours.

Minimized Field Problems – All our drawings are developed to ensure easy understanding. We always emphasize finalizing drawings with construction procedures in mind.

Being Sued not an Option – We have an in-house QA/QC program to ensure the quality of our work.

What relationship between CMDC and clients?

Partnership – We always listen and challenge ourselves to come up with solutions to exceed clients’ expectations and meet engineering standards.

Team Work – We always go one step further with clients to make sure there are no uncoordinated gaps and we believe in good work with efforts of our team.

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