Civil MDC

Solving Problems of Simple Structural Mechanics Book by Keith Alexander Seffen 2

Solving Problems of Simple Structural Mechanics Book by Keith Alexander Seffen


Solve problems in elementary structural mechanics thoughtfully and efficiently with this self-contained volume. Covers the basics of structural mechanics and focuses on simple structures, truss frameworks, beams and frames, design choices, and deformity. Carefully interrogates underlying assumptions for efficiencies in working out whilst expounding fundamental principles for a consistent understanding.

Heavily connects the practical world of indeterminate structures to their analysis, to underline benefits they impart to the latter: that certain analytical methods provide a wealth of efficient solutions for problems of indeterminate structures compared to determinate ones.

Celebrates the beauty of analytical indeterminacy and its relationship to practical structures. Perfect for students invested in structural mechanics, and aims to complement their learning and understanding.

This book is for students already invested in Structural Mechanics. They know about
forces and moments, and couples from pairs of applied forces. They understand the
concepts of equilibrium, compatibility and stiffness; of how beams and pin-jointed
frameworks differ in their constituent behaviour; of the nature of supports; and of the
concept of statical equivalency.

I reflect the usual gradation in complexity and form, moving from bodies to bars,
to cables, and to beams, and sometimes, mixing them up. I consider different metrics
of structural design: of safe loading, of failure by plastic collapse and buckling, of
cross-sectional limitations and joint design, for example.

In particular, I focus on how to think about (and solve) ‘Structures’ problems better.
Formulaic analysis methods are not overly represented because they can be applied
without understanding fully how they work. Instead, I present a dialogue of how
solving proceeds, collated as short chapters of worked examples – without the usual
repetitive exercises at their ends.

I apologise for my greyscale figures. I am a child of the hard-copy age where colour
was taxed, limiting that part of my presentation still. I dispense with denoting vectors
in boldface because the direction of quantity is always implied. Parameters that vary
are italicised, but labels are roman and upright; ‘A’ can be a point in an area ‘A’.
Greek letters typically denote fundamental quantities or dimensionless groups, but
not always.

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