Civil MDC

Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures 2

Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety-Related Concrete Structures


This report supplements the ACI 349 code by recommending an evaluation procedure for nuclear safety-related concrete structures. Before initiating this report, the scope of ACI Committee 349 was self-limited to the design and inspection of newly constructed concrete nuclear structures. As the nuclear facilities in the United States grow older and become susceptible to the adverse effects of aging, periodic inspection and proper evaluation have become important issues. Recent U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission programs such as 10CFR 50.65, Maintenance Rule,1 and 10 CFR 54,

The License Renewal Rule,2 require licensees to inspect and evaluate the condition of concrete nuclear structures thatmay have experienced age-related degradation. Effective maintenance, modification, and repair of any concrete structurebegins with a comprehensive program of inspection andevaluation. For this report, evaluation is defined as an engineering review of an existing concrete nuclear structurewith the purpose of determining physical condition and functionality of the structure.

This evaluation may include are view of previously accomplished repairs or maintenance,and performing condition surveys, testing, maintenance, andstructural analysis. This report does not address the evaluationrequirements for concrete containment vessels (ACI 359,ASME Section III, Division 2, Boiler & Pressure VesselCode). The term “concrete nuclear structure” denotes concretestructures used in a nuclear application; the term “nuclearsafety-related concrete structure” refers to a specific qualityclassification and is a subset of “concrete nuclear structures.”

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