Civil MDC

May 7, 2022

Michael Byfield - Structural Design from First Principles 1

Michael Byfield – Structural Design from First Principles

Preface When I began my career in academia, I taught students how to use the British Standardsto design members. The Eurocodes were introduced and I was faced with the challenge ofteaching some very complicated design methods to students who had only a basic understandingof mechanics. I decided I needed to teach students the first principles […]

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A technical book for; Nonlinear Modelling and Analysis of RC Buildings using ETABS (v 2016 and onwards) 2

A technical book for; Nonlinear Modelling and Analysis of RC Buildings using ETABS (v 2016 and onwards)

Nonlinear Modelling and Analysis of RC Buildings using ETABS (v 2016 and onwards) This document compiles the basic concepts of inelastic computer modelling and nonlinear analysis of building structures. It also presents a step-by-step methodology to construct the nonlinear computer models of RC building structures (for their detailed performance evaluation) using CSI ETABS 2016. Compiled

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Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation by James M. Kelly, Dimitrios Konstantinidis 3

Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation by James M. Kelly, Dimitrios Konstantinidis

The multilayer rubber bearing is an apparently simple device that is used in a widevariety of industries that include civil, mechanical and automotive engineering. It is soubiquitous that it may be difficult to believe that it is a relatively recent development,having been used for only about fifty years. The idea of reinforcing rubber blocks bythin

Mechanics of Rubber Bearings for Seismic and Vibration Isolation by James M. Kelly, Dimitrios Konstantinidis Read More »

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